Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Work and Working Out

Hello, dear friends (or the one person who found this site by just banging their head into their keyboard)!

I have a whole mess of things going through my head right now, so hang on....

Husband and I have a plan (well, I have a plan, and he agrees) for having kids. We want to sell our house, buy a slightly larger house on the other side of town (closer to his family), lose weight, and have kids--mostly in that order. I am pretty healthy other than being overweight. Last year I had a friend go through a really difficult birth. She was in the hospital in labor for about three days, and she actually went back to the hospital about a week later. She hasn't said it so directly, but I think she almost died. She is fine now, and she has a beautiful and all-around wonderful little girl to show for it. She has said, though, that she blames her weight for the complications, and she has really impressed upon me the importance to lose weight before getting pregnant. So, yes, that's the motivation here.

I started working out on Monday. I am riding a recumbent exercise bike that we ordered from Amazon. It's a really good workout. I did 20 minutes Monday, 25 yesterday, and 30 today. Today I thought I was going to die around the halfway mark. I apparently picked the HARDEST workout program possible! I stuck with it, though, and I pushed through it. I was really proud of myself when I finished. I upped the tension in the pedals today, too, though, so I bet I'll really be feeling it tomorrow.

Another struggle I'm having right now is my career choices. I love HR, but I am second-guessing myself as to if I made the right choice for my current position. I feel like I've taken a step backward, and that is hard to swallow. I've gone from being a manager to a peon. I used to make decisions, and now I just do what I'm told and have no decision-making power at all. I also feel like I just don't fit in. I'm kinda goofy (if you hadn't noticed), and it's a pretty serious company. Everyone is very nice to me, but I just don't feel like I'm fitting in. I have been there for almost two months, and no one has ever asked me to lunch. I feel like a caged bird. I try to tell myself that in the long-run it will be good for me, but is it good if I'm struggling to smile everyday?

So that's what's been going on with me this week. Nothing too exciting, but it still helps to get it off my mind. :)

1 comment:

  1. I can completely understand your feelings about your current job. And now that you say it.. yes.. the company is very serious.. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that its located in Cleveland. A lot of Clevelanders are pretty lame.. they take their jobs very seriously and everything in their world must be in perfect order.. no inappropriate jokes or goofing off because the boss might hear. I think if you tough it out for a couple of years it will be worth it though.. just my humble opinion. :) I'm sure it will be no time before you are running that whole place.

    Also, I really have been wanting to ask you to lunch but didn't know what your usual lunch plans were. Anytime you want to spice it up or have lunch company you can send me an email!

    I hope you're having a great week!
